Announcement – Jubilee Fund
It is with great pleasure, on the day of our Jubilee (celebrating 20 years since the opening of UWC Red Cross Nordic), that the College can announce that the Leif Høegh Foundation (Leif Høegh Stiftelsen) will make a gift of NOK 1 million to help launch the RCN Jubilee Fund. This donation will go towards financial support for a foundation year for those from conflict / refugee backgrounds who are unable to complete the IB programme in 21 months due to disrupted learning and / or language difficulties. The Davis-UWC Impact Programme, funded by Shelby Davis, will now match this donation from the Leif Høegh Foundation giving the College a total of NOK 2 million for its Jubilee Fund.
The Leif Høegh Foundation has made important contributions to this College and the UWC movement over the years. It was the Høegh Foundation which funded the Høegh Centre – a superb multi-purpose space here on campus. It is used for a huge range of activities – from the production of plays to ‘gammaldans’ with students and members of the local Fjaler community, from a banquet hall for the annual Council dinner to regular multi-cultural bazaars and performances – and is at the heart of our students’ lives as it provides them with space from the academic centre of the College and the intensity of daily living in the Houses in the Student Village.
The bust of Leif Høegh, located on the walkway to our Boat House and overlooking Haugland Bay, has observed nearly two decades of College activities – and we hope many more years to come.
We are hugely grateful to the Høegh Foundation for this extremely generous donation and for its continued support.
Richard D A Lamont
UWC Red Cross Nordic