The week of Ridderrennet 2016

2018-10-16T09:32:42+01:00April 14th, 2016|

Sina Tenold, a member of the ‘Knights’ Extra-academic commitment which enables participating students to have amazing experiences in the local nature, as well as going further afield, has written the following thoughts having returned from Ridderrennet – the world’s largest winter sports event for visually impaired and differently-abled athletes.

The scene at Ridderrennet

The Knights are  back on campus after a great a great experience at Ridderuka. The week ended with Ridderrennet itself where all our competitors had excellent results. Mohammed (Iraq) and Mean (Cambodia) both won events in their class. Belén (Spain) did her first ever 10 km on skis and managed to win her class at the same time! Melvin (El Salvador) improved his previous time for the 20 km race by over 2 hours and by doing that won the silver medal in his class.

The volunteers, who did a great job as hosts in the restaurant, finished their week with an amazing day in the sun, getting a tan to match their bright, orange hoodies. The group want to thank all the staff, especially Hilde, our EAC-leader, and Ben for helping with organization and making this week possible.

Goalball Tournament at the College

2018-10-16T09:32:43+01:00April 14th, 2016|

The Goalball PlayersGoalball is a Paralympic sport in which the blind can play with the sighted – as the sighted participants are blindfolded. We learned about Goalball from our long-term partners and friends at the Laski Institute – a school for the blind and visually impaired in Poland. We have had many exchanges with this partner school, and Goalball has been part of all of them! We continue playing at the College, as one of our goals is to promote this inclusive, exciting sport in Norway. We have regular practice sessions every Sunday night and, as an end of term celebration, we decided to organize an Inter-House competition. Each House has some experienced players, so the level was high with the final match between Iceland and Norway House.

Even though Iceland House won, the Norway House Team displayed very high competence and won an award for the most sporting behaviour.

A Winner at the Physics Olympiad

2016-04-11T05:33:11+01:00April 11th, 2016|

Congratulations to Nikita Klimenko (UWC RCN first year – Belarus) for winning the Physics Olympiad 2016 in Norway. Nikita and Angela Xiong (UWC RCN first year – China) and fourteen other finalists were invited to participate in the final round of the Norwegian Physics Olympiad at the University of Oslo in early April.  992 students from 105 schools across Norway took part in this year’s competition – this was the first time that RCN students have taken part in the competition. We were delighted to learn that Nikita was the overall winner of the competition – and he will now represent Norway at the next stage of the Olympiad.

For more information, please click on this news article.


Model European Parliament in Riga

2018-10-16T09:32:43+01:00April 11th, 2016|

First-year students Johanne Hansen (Norway) and Sara-Estelle Gößwein (Germany) recently travelled to Riga in Latvia, to take part in a Model European Parliament. This is their report.

The national library where the sessions took place

The national library where the sessions took place

Forming friendships, meeting one of our incoming Norwegian First Years, discussing current political issues, debating, learning about pragmatic compromise – and all that in a foreign country in the context of MEP–Model European Parliament.

After having been delegates in the MEP Baltic Sea Region session in Oslo during the October PBL week, Johanne and Sara­‐Estelle were invited to be Committee Presidents during the following session in Riga. Sara-Estelle was the Committee President of The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and Johanne was the Committee President of The Committee on Energy, Resources and Research.

For four days they guided their respective committees through fruitful discussions until a thoroughly-­debated resolution could be drafted.

“We had not only the responsibility of making sure that our committee members were feeling welcome in their committees and working according to the official guidelines of MEP, but we also needed to communicate with the organizing team to guarantee a smoothly working schedule.

Whenever we were not guiding debates, correcting resolutions or planning the General Assembly we had the possibility to discover Riga with its wonderful old city centre, the market halls, the new library and many other sights and places to discover. One afternoon we even had a guided tour through the Latvian parliament, which impressed us with its diverse architecture.

Four days of intense debates on interesting topics, spontaneous planning, intercultural sharing and connecting with young and engaged people all over Europe was surely of a great enjoyment and challenge for both of us. We thank all people involved for this wonderful chance to develop our skills and discover ourselves in a completely new context.”

Click here to look at the website of the event.

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