At the end of his engagement for the Fjaler Theatre Festival, Dag Hareide visited our college to engage with our students. Dag Hareide is an author, organizational leader, and interdisciplinary thinker. He has been, among other positions, director of the Rainforest Foundation, one of the largest rainforest organizations in the world, and director of the Nansen Academy, a leading institution for mediation and conflict management. He visited Global Politics, Environmental Systems and Societies, and Norwegian classes to talk about development for human beings and other living creatures, focusing both on remarkable historical achievements and the seriousness of the crises we face today. “The root cause for all of them is that we as human beings are spreading ourselves at an unprecedented speed” he said.  He also delivered an open lecture on the influence of big tech on our daily life based on his recently released book. Our students met a doer and a thinker, a dialogue partner who challenged and inspired them.

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