Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

Sharing Faroese Culture

The receiving of gifts from the Faroese Ministry of Education has become a much appreciated ingredient of our annual Council Meeting. Claus Reistrup, who has been the Faroese representative on the Council since we were founded in 1995, becomes our own ‘Santa Claus’, as he brings books or other cultural products that are essential expressions [...]

By |April 12th, 2015|News|0 Comments

Mine Awareness Day

Last Saturday, 4th of April, UWC Red Cross Nordic had its first campaign for the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. Under the motto: 'Less pity, more AWARENESS', students of the RCN Survivors of Conflict programme and those from countries affected by land mines led different activities to raise awareness about [...]

By |April 8th, 2015|News|0 Comments

New Executive Director

UWC Red Cross Nordic would like to congratulate Jens Waltermann on his appointment at Executive Director of UWC International Office. Jens already has unique experience of the UWC movement. An alumnus of UWC Pearson College, he joined the German National Committee in 2006 and currently chairs its Board. Throughout his service with the committee he [...]

By |April 2nd, 2015|News|0 Comments

Exploring a Dirty Truth

UWC Atlantic College Alumna Ulrika Bjørkstén yesterday visited the College and showed her prize-winning film 'Dirty Waters: Discovering the dirty truth about the future of the Baltic Sea'. It provided a great case study about the problems of international co-operation in dealing with environmental issues. The film was well received by the students and the follow-up discussion was [...]

By |April 1st, 2015|News|0 Comments

A Clear Winner

Many congratulations to second year student Elisabeth Dietz for taking first place in the Norwegian High School Philosophical Association Olympiad. Students were given a choice of five topics and had to write their essay in English, German or French - not in their native Norwegian. Elisabeth chose the question: 'Should a totalitarian party that gets enough votes to form [...]

By |March 30th, 2015|News|0 Comments
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