The story of the first 25 years of UWC Red Cross Nordic is written by award-winning author and journalist Mette Karslvik, a first-generation alumna of the college. Through individual narrative, Karlsvik paints a picture of how a school dedicated to peace and sustainability has been established and flourished in a small fjord arm in western Norway, and the impact it has on the world stage. You get to know of daily life experiences and challenges from many perspectives, students, teachers, staff members, management, and members of the Board. It also gives an insight into the incredible support from individual volunteers and stakeholders and how RCN works in practical ways to realize the values of UWCV and the Red Cross. Central in the bigger narrative is the support the college receives from the Nordic countries, a region dedicated to peace and sustainability.

This book wouldn’t have been published without the enthusiasm and dedication of Arne Osland, head of our Nordic Pillar and the guidance of Ivar Lund-Mathiesen, Member of the Board. We would like to thank their work!

The book is available in hard copies in Norwegian and in e-book format in English. Please read our story:

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