We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • Lauge and workshop participants

Communication Workshop at RCN

March 14th, 2016|

At most schools explicit skills in maths, sciences, humanities etc are taught with discipline and rigor. The assumption is that maths takes lots of class hours, homework, tutorials and repetition to get right. Skills centered on [...]

  • Babba (Cameroon) in one of the workshops

Youth and Leadership Day

March 10th, 2016|

On Monday we had a Youth and Leadership day at RCN, designed, led and managed by the students themselves. It was attended by the first years of RCN with the aim to introduce them into a [...]

  • Liv Breivik giving a presentation

Climate Eyewitness Workshop at RCN

March 3rd, 2016|

UWC Red Cross Nordic, the Norwegian Glacier Museum and 4H successfully applied to "den Naturlige Skolesekken" for a climate education pilot project. The first programme in the pilot project was a Climate Eyewitness Workshop at [...]