We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • UWC Impact Poster


October 30th, 2015|

UWC Impact Study - Invitation to Participate Dear UWC RCN Alumni, You are invited to participate in the inaugural pilot UWC Impact Study coordinated by the UWC International Office. This multi-college survey is intended to [...]

  • Coming to Shanghai!

Visiting Shanghai

October 28th, 2015|

An RCN delegation - consisting of Larry Lamont (Rektor), Arne Osland (Director of Development), Pär Stenbäck (Chair of RCN’s Council), Tove Veierød (Chair of RCN’s Board) - has been invited to be present at the [...]

  • During the meeting of Red Cross Youth

Red Cross Youth

October 27th, 2015|

Balder Morsund (second year) attended the annual meeting of the Norwegian Red Cross Youth in week 43 and represented RCN, given our ongoing partnership with the Red Cross. He reports back: The annual meeting of [...]