We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • Some of the students and staff on this years postal walk (postveitrimmen)

Annual Postal Walk

September 6th, 2015|

The Postal Walk is a well-attended annual event locally, hosted by Svint Sports Club in Flekke. This year it was held on Sunday 6th and approximately 50 students and staff took part on a lovely [...]

  • Chinese Bridge Competition winners

Chinese Bridge Competition

September 3rd, 2015|

Being the winners of the annual Chinese Bridge competition (Norway Division), two 2nd year UWC RCN students – Ines Söderström (Finland) and Daniel Rey Rosas (Colombia) – will represent school students in Norway who are learning [...]

  • Norwegian Glacier Museum

Climate Education Project

September 3rd, 2015|

UWC Red Cross Nordic, the Norwegian Glacier Museum and 4H successfully applied to the Naturlige Skulesekken for a climate education pilot project. The project leader is the Glacier Museum. Our institutions have a common understanding [...]