We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • International Fair in Forde

International Children’s Day

November 20th, 2013|

Last Saturday some of our students participated in the celebration of International Children’s Day and the “Colourful Førde” World Food Festival at Førdehuset. A group of Nordic-speaking students helped host the children’s activities, which were [...]

Sexual Health Workshops

November 4th, 2013|

Over the past weekend at the College, the Red Cross Youth in Sogn og Fjordane held an instructor course for students as part of their activities promoting sexual health. Twelve students from the RCN participated. [...]

Global Concerns

October 29th, 2013|

Is RCN Ecologically Sustainable? The theme of the autumn-term Global Concerns Day at RCN was "Is UWCRCN sustainable?". We welcomed some guests - both students and staff - from Aurland Jord og Hagebruksskule and from [...]