Parafootball and Deadline Day

2019-02-04T08:35:04+01:00February 4th, 2019|

For many years our students have had the pleasure of being involved with football activities in Fjalerhallen under the term “parafootball”.
This is made in co-operation with the culture section in Fjaler Municpality. Jon Magnus has been a mainstay in this activity over the years.

Smiles, hard work and skills at display every week in the season. And the fans are anxious at deadline day for international football transfers.
Will the big clubs turn up?

Award for Mark Chalkley

2019-02-01T13:42:19+01:00February 1st, 2019|

Our Senior University Counsellor, Mark Chalkley, has been chosen one of the nine 2019 Counselors That Change Lives, the only international counsellor to receive the award this year – and we think the first UWC counsellor! This honour is given in recognition of Mark’s dedication to the college counselling profession and for promoting and supporting a student-centred college search process.

From their website:

“Dare to Fail.” The tattoo on Mark Chalkley’s arm is an outward symbol of his approach to helping UWC Red Cross Nordic students navigate their futures. Each year, Mark’s caseload includes approximately 100 seniors who come from 80+ countries with a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds and an equally eclectic assortment of post-secondary aspirations. He assists every one of them by finding the best match for their skills and interests in locations all over the world, frequently with no funding from home. More often than not, RCN students choose an opportunity abroad, sight-unseen. However, Mark’s careful counseling throughout the process also instills students with confidence in their abilities to transition to another culture and succeed in college. Originally from the UK, Mark Chalkley has been living on campus as the college counselor at Red Cross Nordic for over a decade, and his continued dedication to students is more than deserving of this honor.

Congratulations Mark!

Focus on World Religions

2019-01-30T10:56:32+01:00January 30th, 2019|

Last week was World Religion Week at UWC RCN, with focus on interfaith dialogue and intercultural understanding and philosophy of religion. We welcomed two visitors for the event, Hugh Rice of the University of Oxford, who led workshops on arguments for and against the existence of God, and Rev’d Canon Philip Lambert, who led TOK classes on faith as a way of knowing.

Organising group with our two visitors

In his sessions Mr Lambert talked about the meaning and importance of religious rituals. History students and others interested talked with civil rights leader and president of the Raleigh Apex NAACP, Gerald D Givens Jr. about the role of religion in the US Civil Rights Movement. Our star team of student organizers led a range of cultural sharing events, including a Q&A on the role of women in religion, an evening of sharing about different religious practices on campus in the form of a “speed dating” event and a meditative conversation about prayer in the silent house. We rounded off the week with a team quiz and on Sunday a wonderful concert of religious music from some of our talented students and staff.

Infographics displayed in the Kantina:

Til fjells – a walk in the hills

2019-01-29T09:20:00+01:00December 15th, 2018|

Some current students have been especially enthusiastic to experience local outdoor possibilities; this was noticeable when they woke up one Sunday morning last winter and carried skis for an hour to a nearby skiing area, to then “ski on skins” up the slopes and spend the day romping on the slopes before walking back to campus.

With sub-zero temperatures and no snow over the last week, frost structures building beautifully on campus, conditions seemed perfect for a hike up Storehesten, the big mountain seen en route to Førde. After assembling a “matpakke” in the kantine, and a 40 minute drive, five student enthusiasts and a recently-arrived South Dakotan started walking around 10:15 in sub-zero sunshine. It was surprisingly warm, the path was frozen dry and a rapid pace saw us lose the sun around the expansive North slopes, to reach the top within 2 hours. Whoops of delight for the sunny panorama on top, the open ocean and islands 40kms west, Jostedal glacier 40 kms east and, below, the village of Bygstad covered in a thick layer of white frost, permanently shielded from winter sun by the hills on the south.

With the Christmas dinner set to start at 17:00, some haste was needed, resulting in a fine “jogge-tur” over the open slopes. A rest to explore the thick ice on a frozen lake, helped cool participants. Back at the car within 90 mins of the top, the gang managed (in footwear impressively ill-suited to the task) some thin lay-away moves up a pillar placed at the parking lot. All in all, deep appreciation for frost, ice, dry rough rock, (sort-of) warming sun, vast blue skies, 360 degree views through crystal clear air, and the fun of moving over a mountain in these winter conditions.

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