Board Meeting in Copenhagen

2018-03-08T12:00:56+01:00March 5th, 2018|

The UWC RCN quarterly board meeting was held in Copenhagen last Friday. Members of the Board and Central Management Team were first given a guided tour of Copenhagen International School by two IB Diploma students – Tess (Denmark / Australia) and Kvitva (Ukraine) – with an opportunity to meet the Director and Head of Communications for a Q & A.

The Board meeting was held at the UWC Denmark office and followed by a reception for RCN supporters. This was the last Board meeting attended by Oliver (Estonia), our student Board Rep; he has made a superb and important contribution over the past year.

Larry, as Rektor of RCN, and Torkil Olrik, as Chair of the Danish NC, took the opportunity to sign a new Memorandum of Understanding as part of our Nordic cooperation.

Thank you to Kid Erhardt (in charge of the UWC Denmark office) and Hans Lindemann (Vice Chair of the RCN Board) for coordinating and hosting the visit.


Trainee teachers at UWCRCN

2018-10-16T09:31:39+01:00March 2nd, 2018|

At UWCRCN we have a tradition extending back over many years of hosting trainee teachers and interns. We have established partnerships with, among others, the World Teachers Programme at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, the University of Buckingham in England, Concordia University in Massachusetts USA and most recently with Høgskulen på Vestlandet.

Currently Rachel Schaefer from Concordia is with us until April. Rachel is training to teach Spanish as a foreign language and is working closely with our own Cristina Gonzalo. The two of them make a great team!

Stine Bøthun is with us from the Høgskulen på Vestlandet, the regional university for western Norway and is specialising is Global Politics and Theory of Knowledge.

The success of these partnerships can be seen from two examples: our current Global Politics teacher, Marloes Vrolijk, came to us initially as a trainee from the World Teachers programme, whilst Loudewijk van Oord, current Head of UWC Maastricht, was with us as a trainee History teacher!

Long may these partnerships prosper!

UWC International in South Africa

2018-03-02T08:27:24+01:00March 1st, 2018|

‘UWC smashed the myth of apartheid into smithereens’

UWC International held an inaugural event in Johannesburg, South Africa, with the focus on ‘How is the UWC movement impacting on development of South Africa and the continent, and can we do more?’

The UWC community including the South African NC, alumni, representatives from Waterford Kamhlaba, members of the UWC International Board, newcomers to UWC and others participated in an interesting evening of speeches, a panel discussion and wider debate.

One of the guest speakers, Thulani Gcabashe (Chairman, The Standard Bank Group.Executive Chairman, Built Africa Holdings) – and UWC WK alumnus, spoke of the role of Waterford Kamhlaba and UWC in his life as it helped ‘to smash the myth of apartheid into smithereens’ for him and other students and staff.

These are now exciting times in Southern Africa with leaderships teams being encouraged to change.

It was great to have the opportunity to talk to Thobile Nzimande (RCN 2009-11) who, as a member of the South African NC, is helping with selection of new UWC students. RCN has had nine students from South Africa since the College was founded and we look forward to receiving many more.

Arctic expedition opportunity!

2018-10-16T09:31:39+01:00February 27th, 2018|

Are you a candidate to go on an Arctic expedition for global change makers?

Along with other UWCs, we have been asked by Norway-based FutureTalks to help them recruit a total of 10 young leaders (18-25 years old) to go on an expedition to the Arctic, August 2018, as part of a group of 100 global leaders and change makers. The other participants of the expedition are current leaders in different fields; politics, arts, research, business etc.

UWC RCN will nominate a max of 2 current students and max 2 recent alums to be put forward to a pool of candidates from which 10 individuals will be chosen.

The ship has warming suits + life jackets for all. All delegates will receive a gift bag from Future Talks with wool underwear. Participants will need to bring normal warm hiking boots.  The expedition is mostly on the ship with on shore excursions. Nothing out of the usual will be needed. But warm clothes and hiking boots – yes.

What are they looking for? FutureTalks wants to invite individuals with a passion and a clear drive to make a change.

How do you apply?
Please fill in the attached form by 4th of March and –
Alumni should send the form to:
Current RCN students should send the form to:

Cost implications: FutureTalks will cover the costs of the actual expedition for each UWC. Alumni can apply to RCN towards covering the costs of flights from Oslo to/from the Arctic (booked through Hurtigruta at NOK 6000 per person) and accommodation in Oslo for two nights.

FutureTalks is an impact initiative co-founded by a UWC alumna, Silje Vallestad, whom is also a serial entrepreneur that has been honoured as a Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum and one of the top 20 business thinkers in the Nordics. With FutureTalks she continues her mission to connect and engage passionate and entrepreneurial youth with global leaders from all sectors in discussions around the future of humanity and our planet. Cross sectors. Cross national borders. Cross generations.

From August 23-28th this year 100 hand-picked delegates are invited on an Arctic expedition. This will be a true adventure and journey – both literally as they explore the Arctic dessert together, and personally connecting with brilliant people and discussing the path forward for humanity and our planet. This expedition will initiate FutureTalks and the community of FutureThinkers cross generations, sectors and borders. A one day conference in Oslo will kickstart the journey.

FutureTalks wants to engage the young, and has teamed up with the UWC International to help find a diverse group of youth aged 18-25 to join the expedition. We are looking for the “changemakers”. Those who see challenges and opportunities – and act on them. The future entrepreneurs and leaders. They need to be passionate and have a fire in them. Be the ones who start things. The ones who jump on this opportunity because they understand that this is only the start, and that this network can help them scale and grow any initiative in the future.The organizers are looking for diversity and especially encourage students from non-western countries to apply.

21.02.18 Arne Osland

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