A Visit from the Minister of Health

2018-10-16T09:32:24+01:00October 21st, 2016|

On Thursday the Minister of Health, Bent Høie, visited our campus at Haugland with a delegation from Fjaler and Sogn og Fjordane Høyre. He showed a real interest in the operation of both the Rehabilitation Centre and our College. Mr Høie fully endorsed the focus on the resourcefulness of every person as something that unites the two institutions within health and education. A central topic for the visit was the future for the most advanced rehabilitation centres in Norway during the ongoing health reforms. The Minister also got an insight into our joint project with the Red Cross – Survivors of Conflict – where the participants are fully involved with our educational programmes and also receive support to help them become fully enabled.

Current participants Mean Pring (Cambodia) and Sara Al-Husaynat (Iraq) spoke about their experiences for the Minister and also for local MP Bjørn Lødemel, who has been an active supporter of the project. Mean and Sara said that they find their classes rewarding and challenging, and told about how they are engaged in more informal learning situations. The visit as a whole was arranged by the Conservative Party (Høyre) in Fjaler.

TV Aksjonen 2016 – Red Cross

2016-11-05T06:26:31+01:00October 18th, 2016|

On Friday 21st October, UWC Red Cross Nordic hosted a special educational focus on TV Askjonen and the Red Cross’ work towards innocent victims of war. The day was entirely organised by the students themselves, with invited guest speakers. The students at the college were selected so that they represented a deliberately diverse cross section of backgrounds. Some of them were from countries with a recent or ongoing conflict. The countries held in focus for TV Aksjonen were Syria, South Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, and Central America. Students from these countries who currently study at UWC Red Cross Nordic had stories to tell that they shared with their fellow students.

Students from local schools and centres for asylum seekers (mottak) were invited to join in with the educational focus on TV Aksjonen on Friday 21st October at UWC Red Cross Nordic. The presentations were a direct encounter with what it is like to flee the terrors of armed conflict and also on how the Red Cross works in dramatic circumstances to reach those in need. The student-led workshops focused on the nature of conflict and gave a glimpse into how it is experienced.

A team of students – including those representing the College’s Red Cross Survivors of Conflict Programme – were part of the TV Aksjonen collection team visiting homes in Fjaler on Sunday 23rd October. As part of the fundraising “dugnad” students and staff arranged a special auction in support of the Red Cross. We encouraged all other schools in Sogn og Fjordane to do the same.

For further information, please contact Arne Osland (Director of Development) on ac91aosl@staff.rcnuwc.no / 91701816.

Nordic Folk Music Concert

2018-10-16T09:32:25+01:00October 18th, 2016|

RCN’s Project Based Learning Week concluded with a Nordic Folk Music Concert in the auditorium on the evening of Saturday 15th October – an outstanding achievement to produce such a daring and inspiring programme in so many different Nordic languages.

Students from 11 different countries came together to learn about Nordic Folk Music. Over the course of five days, they learned 14 songs and joiks in 5 Nordic languages (Icelandic, Northern Sámi, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish) as well as instrumental pieces. The students worked with two teachers on campus (Dan Silfwerin from Sweden and Lisa Jokivirta from Finland), as well as Laura Ashby (Oxford, UK) who came as a vocal coach and guest conductor. Several students were given individual singing lessons over the course of the week.

PerformersThey started the week with a research session, with students each taking a country, and researching folk traditions, instruments and searching for music for the group to learn during the project. The concert at the end of the week featured an extremely diverse programme, starting with Swedish Kulning (traditional animal herding calls) and ballads; an Icelandic chant; a recitation from the Finnish national epic Kalevala; a reindeer herding joik and a joik canon; the Finlandia hymn; some Danish instrumental and dance melodies.

The stage was decked in flags of all the Nordic countries and the performance added a new dimension to the college’s Nordic Pillar. It was an inspiring performance which introduced the audience to the variety and beauty of Nordic folk music.

The students were a very diverse group, with a huge range of musical experience and ability. Despite this, they achieved an extremely high standard of music making throughout the week, due to their enthusiasm and willingness to give it a go, including learning all of the pieces in the original Nordic language.

The concert attracted an audience of over 100 people (including external visitors from the local community and visiting US university admissions counsellors. They were extremely enthusiastic in their applause! All 11 students are being encouraged to continue their musical learning by joining the new school choir, and we hope to continue exploring Nordic folk music.

Nobel Peace Prize 2016

2016-10-07T12:31:31+01:00October 7th, 2016|

The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced at 1100 today (7th October 2016) that it has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people. The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process. This tribute is paid, not least, to the representatives of the countless victims of the civil war.

For more information, please click here.

Given UWC RCN’s commitment to ‘peace and a sustainable future’, the Colombian UWC National Committee, and 14 Colombians who have studied at RCN since it was founded (including two members of our Survivors of Conflict programme), please join the RCN community in celebrating the award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Richard DA Lamont
UWC Red Cross Nordic

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