Jacob Yath Deng (’15 – ’17)

2018-10-16T09:32:20+01:00January 10th, 2017|

“The greatest thing any person could do is to help another person. So if you can aid the people around you – that’s enough; there is nothing greater than that.” Jacob lives by these values and they guide him in his academic pursuits. Aspirations to study pharmaceutical chemistry lie at the forefront of his mind. The reason for this specific area of interest is his ambition to later improve the public health system back home in South Sudan.

Jacob’s faith has prepared him and inspired his goodwill. His favorite book is the Bible and particularly important words for him come from Ecclesiastes 1: 9: “There is nothing under the sun that hasn’t been done so you should live your life to the fullest”. The book speaks to him about work and life in general. Living at RCN, Jacob‘s Christian values haven’t changed despite the secular environment. In his family back home he would attend church every Sunday and participate in other activities during the week as well. The church is a uniting factor in his community and when he reached a certain age, he himself became a Bible studies leader.

The academic drive that he possesses cannot however, be credited to anyone but Jacob himself. He was always eager to learn as a young child. Growing up with his grandmother, he didn’t attend school until he was seven. He would see his friends go to school and he wanted to take part as well. When his brother graduated and started working he put Jacob in school. There was never any need for external discipline due to Jacob’s self-sufficiency. Experiencing poverty in his early life made Jacob appreciate the privilege that education is and a wish to help others motivated him in his academics. Jakob has just returned to start the term in which he is going to graduate. He is aiming for further studies at University, most likely in the US, and later he wants to return home to apply the knowledge he has acquired.

Rose Esfandyari (RCN ’16 – ’18)

Vibeke L’Orsa Mortensen (1995 – 2016)

2018-10-16T09:32:21+01:00December 5th, 2016|

We would like to profile Vibeke in the last week of this term in our ‘People of RCN’ section of the UWC Red Cross Nordic website as this provides us with the opportunity to thank her for her wonderful support of the College since it was founded.

For the past twenty one years, Vibeke has been responsible for 54 students on our campus from SOS Children’s Villages based in 18 different countries. She has been a wonderful source of support and inspiration for all of them – and I simply do not think I have ever met someone with a kinder heart. William Wordsworth, the English poet, perceptively wrote that ‘The best portion of a good

[person’s] life: [are their] little, nameless, unremembered, acts / Of kindness and love.”

Vibeke has, through her acts of kindness and love, been the patron saint of the SOS children at RCN.

On the Red Cross-themed TV Action / Global Concerns Day in late October, the students and staff sang happy birthday in the auditorium to Vibeke to celebrate her 70th birthday and retirement from SOS Children’s Villages. At a dinner in Oslo on the 1st December, Vibeke was given a bouquets of flowers and thanked by the College board and Oslo-based Council members for her outstanding commitment to students on our campus.

Vibeke has a standing invitation to visit the campus, the students and staff whenever she likes.

As she said in her speech at the dinner in Oslo, ‘I started my career as a volunteer and I look forward to being a volunteer in support of these SOS students for many years to come’.

Ezequiel Jimenez (’07 – ’09)

2016-11-14T08:25:49+01:00November 14th, 2016|

Where to start? The fjord. Fiskekake. The boathouse. The K building. World Today. Mariano. Kåre S. Pete. Daniel. MT. Winter. Tea. Being cold. The 3km trip to Flekke shop. The room temperature. The fifth umbrella of the year. A show. Lots of music and the love of my life. Ah, yes, and the IB.

RCN was a transformative experience changing every bit of whoever I was in 2007. An inexplicable place where possibility is infinite as is the bond that unites a community in the middle of nowhere. The explanation I give to people when trying to explain RCN and what it means to me, always falls short of an explanation of some sort of social experiment where we play to mirror what the world is or ought to be. I wish the world was a tiny bit of what RCN is.

The strong foundation of critical thinking and immense curiosity for understanding and celebrating diversity led me to pursue human rights as a passion. Building on Naren’s human rights class (and Matthew’s during my first year) I was fortunate that Mark and Nicky were an endless source of advice and encouraged me to attend Macalester. Pursuing perhaps a traditional UWC path, I studied Political Science and got to intern and work in various places that continued to feed into a set of intellectual and practical skills within human rights. However, as challenging and enriching Macalester was, I’m not so sure it compares with a Kantina conversation about the state of the world over tea. The certainty of really knowing how to fix the world is a feeling I only had in RCN and have every time I am lucky to return. It’s an incredible sensation of possibility, certainty and empowerment.

Decided to dig a bit further into the machinery of policy making I pursued a masters degree in human rights policy in the UK, Sweden and Norway. For two years I was lucky to devote time to the question of how to make and measure human right-led interventions. The time spent in Norway and Sweden was particularly enriching as I realized that some of my social policy biases are indeed, very Nordic. Fortunate to arrive in the London in a pre-Brexit world, I started working with Amnesty International, trying to materialize my Kantina-like feelings. Currently, I work in the Office of the Secretary General giving technical support to Amnesty’s offices around the world. As frustrating and challenging working in human rights might be, I am encouraged by knowing that there will come a time when my dear RCN and UWC friends around the world will start calling the shots, making sure those countless nights of debate, tea and overpriced First Price cookies were well spent.

And, at time of writing this, there is an urgency for UWC to do its part in putting a sustainable future before ambition, and before bigotry. Knowing that we belong to a principled way of thinking about service and peace, I am confident that even in a Trumplandia world, we can be part of a path showing respect, curiosity in the other and love for what makes us different, unique. I have an unshakeable trust in the people of RCN to lead the way.


Haifa Staiti (’00 – ’02)

2018-10-16T09:32:25+01:00October 17th, 2016|

When I moved from Palestine to Norway to attend UWC Red Cross Nordic, it was more than a culture shock. I had not met any of my classmates or teachers before, knew virtually nothing about Norway – except that Oslo was the place where the infamous peace accord between Palestinians and Israelis was signed- and spoke very little English. Despite this, my two years at RCN remain the most important and transformational of my life. I learned numerous things, about my academic subjects, about different countries and cultures, and the skills needed to thrive in today’s world.

Many of the values I hold dear today, such as respect for the environment, belief in democracy and universal human rights, and appreciation for peace and international understanding, all at the core of the UWC education But of all the things I learned, two skills stand out as the ones that influenced the development of the person I am today the most: Critical Thinking and Empathy.

To me Critical Thinking means always asking why? What if? And, is there more to this? These questions have always served me well in both my personal and professional life. Looking back on times when I made poor choices, it is always when I failed to employ my critical thinking skills.

Empathy can be defined as the drive to identify another’s thoughts and feelings, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion. Our empathy is usually higher for people we perceive to be part of our group than those we see as “outsiders”. Gaining empathy for those different from us is easier when we get to know the “other” and spend time with them. There is no better place to do that than the common room, cafeteria or computer lab of a United World College. At RCN I lived and studied with 199 students from 85 different nationalities. Some came from places I’ve never heard of before, others from places I knew well, and some from places I held deep seated beliefs and prejudices about. It took only a few weeks for all 199 of them to become good friends of mine. By the end of the two years it was impossible to think of a country somewhere in the world and not think of a friend from that place. When you have close friends from all around the world it becomes easier y to empathize with their people. This is true even for groups that may be in conflict with one another.

So when I met Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, who studies the neuroscience of empathy, a couple of years ago, I became interested in the potential of understanding the science behind empathy  and the relevance this has  for peace- building and conflict resolution. My conversations with Simon, other scientists and groups working in peacebuilding led me to establishing Empathy for Peace (EfP). EfP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of empathy research and application. We believe that empathy is the key to building peaceful, just and fair communities, and our goal is to advance empathy awareness through research and education with specific applications to evidence-based conflict resolution, peace and reconciliation processes.

We will do that by 1- funding scientific empathy research, 2- supporting the translation and dissemination of the research findings, 3- supporting community groups in applying the research to develop empathy-based tools for peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

Empathy for Peace is the culmination of everything I learned at UWC and 15 years of learning and growth after that. I cannot think of anything else I could have done that embodies the UWC spirit more, and I am so excited to begin this new leg of my journey since graduating into the real world in 2002! I am today more than ever grateful for my UWC education and the precious two years I spent in my adopted country, Norway.

To learn more about Empathy for Peace visit www.empathy-for-peace.org
To contact Haifa email at haifa.staiti@gmail.com

Haifa Staiti, Palestine, 2002
Founder and Executive Director, Empathy for Peace

For profiles and news of other students and alumni, click here.

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