UWC Red Cross Nordic is governed by a Board and a Council in accordance with the statutes of the Red Cross Nordic United World College Foundation. Over the weekend 22.04-24.04 we could finally welcome back the college’s Council to a physical meeting on campus. It has been over 2 years since we could gather together.  

During the weekend there have been intensive, interesting, and rewarding meetings full of positive discussions and workshops about the way ahead for UWC RCN. The workshop centered around meaningful alumni engagement, sustainability – from vision to action, and how to position UWC RCN to relevant stakeholders after 2 years of a pandemic.  The work that has been started at the Council meeting, will be followed up by the Board and management in May.

Over the course of the weekend Council and Board members also interacted with students and staff at the college. Some council members returned back to Campus for the first time after graduation from RCN explaining how interesting it is to sit on the other side of the table understanding even more of the complexity of the organisation. 

Part of the Council’s task is to elect both the Board and the Council. Ingegerd Wärnerson and Bjarki Bragason have completed their term on the Council as representatives from Sweden and Iceland. Ingegerd joined the UWC RCN Board in 2007, where she served for 2 periods, the last one as Deputy Chair. Governance within the UWC depends on the willingness of voluntary service that our outgoing Board and Council Members typify. On behalf of all our students and staff – a big thanks for what you have given!

You can find the full overview of the Council and Board members here.

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