Elizabeth Sellevold

Photo by Thomas Brun

Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red Cross Nordic to develop:

Since I was a teenager, books have been my passion. I studied management at St. Andrews in Scotland. But as soon as I graduated, I started to study comparative literature at the University of Bergen. That became a formative year intellectually, and I then aimed for the publishing world. Since the age of 24, that’s been my occupation. I am now the Publishing Manager at Forlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke, Norway’s fourth-largest publisher.
But firstly, there is my family: two stepsons, one son, a daughter, two daughters-in-law, a grandson and my parents. We love to be together, at home in Oslo or in the cabin in the mountains.

Elizabeth’s history to UWC

I have a long connection with UWC, both internationally and in Norway. I am an alumna of Atlantic College (1988-90), and I have worked voluntarily for the Norwegian National Committee for about seven years, four as the Chair. I was also elected to the International Council as a member of the Committee of National Committees. This has given me an extensive network in the international UWC-movement.
I am very grateful for my experience going to a UWC college. I profoundly believe in the value of diversity and the transformative power of education. With my professional background and expertise from UWC, I hope to be able to contribute to the development of the school.

The way forward

I will start by talking to people to get a broad picture of what we need. The recruitment of a new head of UWC Red Cross Nordic after Hege`s resignment has been a high priority and I’m glad that we have succeed in hiring Pelham Lindfield Roberts. Pelham has a long background from the UWC movement and IB and I am confident that he will be a valuable resource and I look forward to working with him. Naturally the well-being of the students and staff is also essential to me as the Chair and I am really looking forward to working with the whole community at UWC Red Cross Nordic to continue to develop the best learning environment for all.

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