– In you I see future leaders with a growth mindset, qualities the world needs to tackle what is ahead of us. Action to tackle the climate crisis is urgent, and all sectors need to contribute. Avoiding an imminent crisis out of fear, is not a sufficient motivating factor. Change starts at a personal level, with everyone being involved. Kimberly is optimistic about a paradigm shift in the business world, not being driven solely by profit, but with a deeper understanding of the common good.
Latest News
Human Rights Education by the RAFTO Foundation
2009 Rafto Prize winner Malahat Nasibova with students Theresa Aarhus, Vilde Mørch Hobæk and Lene Mortensen from RAFTO provided HR awareness training for our students on Monday September 30th. They visited [...]
Vacancy – Rektor
Rektor (Head) UWC is a global education movement uniting people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. UWC Red Cross Nordic, established in 1995, is situated in Flekke, Fjaler Municipality 150km [...]
Exciting Job Opportunities at UWC RCN
Three exciting job opportunities have arisen at the College. Please follow this link for more information.