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Graduation 2024

May 29th, 2024|

Dear Graduates, Your time at RCN has left a lasting mark on our community, weaving your unique stories into [...]

People of RCN

Giulio Giorgi, RCN ’03

June 28th, 2024|

Giulio Giorgi, a proud and talented alumnus of the United World Colleges Red Cross Nordic (UWC RCN), embraced the spirit of global citizenship and community service that defines [...]

About Us

Residential life at the College provides a challenging and rewarding learning environment for the students. All aspects of life at the College are guided by the simple principle: consideration for others. For friendships and international understanding to develop it is important for students to have an open mind, show respect for each other, be ready to cooperate and compromise, and act with integrity and responsibility.


We offer a challenging two-year programme of studies; a deliberate compromise between the specialisation required in some national systems and the breadth provided in others. The Mission statement of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is, “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”.


Residential life at the College provides a challenging and rewarding learning environment for the students. All aspects of life at the College are guided by the simple principle: consideration for others. For friendships and international understanding to develop it is important for students to have an open mind, show respect for each other, be ready to cooperate and compromise, and act with integrity and responsibility.