At RCN, students receive comprehensive support throughout their two-year program. This includes well-being support at the residential houses, as well as academic support from subject teachers and the Learning Support department. To address individual needs, students with learning challenges are referred for formal assessment by an educational psychologist and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is created.
The IEP is customized to each student’s specific needs and serves as a roadmap to support them in reaching their educational goals more easily than they otherwise would. It provides insights into the student’s challenges, and outlines strategies for both the teacher and student to use for success. In line with IB guidelines, RCN’s IEPs aim to “celebrate learning success, build on strengths, and overcome difficulties to develop the whole student.”
The case managers of the Learning Support team work with subject teachers and students to create IEPs, which are then discussed in open forums with all stakeholders. The goal is to ensure that every student has the support they need to reach their full potential.
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