On April 17th, the Annual Council Meeting at UWC Red Cross Nordic confirmed Charlotte Nordstrøm, Hilde Sandvik and Logan Tatangmo Tikombouo as new members of our Board. We welcome them to join us. Thanks to Liv Ronglan, Astrid Søgnen and  Alejandro Quecedo del Val for their service for our College, as outgoing representatives.

Latest News

Utøya program – A story to tell

June 21st, 2019|

One week after graduating from our College Abdallah, (Palestine) was selected by the Wergeland centre to attend the Thorvald Stoltenberg seminar at Utøya, titled "Living together in culturally diverse societies" . 26 students [...]

Harvard’s UWC Impact Study

June 17th, 2019|

Over 50 years after the founding of the first UWC college in 1962, the UWC movement continues to educate young people with its mission to “make education a force to unite people, nations [...]

Svanøy Field Trip 2019

June 4th, 2019|

Last Friday 45 Biology students sailed on the boat “West Sea” for a three-day field trip on the island of Svanøy. They were accompanied by teacher Jelena, Rektor Guðmundur & family and support [...]