Global Concerns: Migration
The topic for this term’s Global Concern was migration, a particularly pertinent focus given the reality of our world today. The events of the day were largely organized by students and consisted of informative, engaging workshops and a plenary session on International Humanitarian Law, given by Espen Persønn Flagstad, Legal Advisor to the Red Cross on IHL. Students and teachers from Nordahl Grieg VG joined us for [...]
Marín Rós Tumadóttir
It is with deep sadness that we inform our alumni and staff community that Marín Rós Tumadóttir, our 2001 RCNUWC graduate from Iceland, has passed away in Reykjavik. Expressions of condolences to Marín's parents, Allyson McDonald and Tumi Tómasson, can be sent to their address - Njörvasund 2, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland. Memorial service for friends and family of Marín Rós On Friday April 8th from 3pm-5pm we will come [...]
‘One Step Forward’ – Tedx at RCN
On March 12th, UWC Red Cross Nordic hosted its first TEDx event and the first one in Sogn og Fjordane. The organizing committee involved 11 students, making it the first TEDx event to be organized by youth in Norway. The theme was “One Step Forward”. A total of 14 speakers (8 guests and 6 from the campus) shared a variety of stories and ideas involving areas such [...]
Communication Workshop at RCN
At most schools explicit skills in maths, sciences, humanities etc are taught with discipline and rigor. The assumption is that maths takes lots of class hours, homework, tutorials and repetition to get right. Skills centered on communication, negotiation techniques, knowing feelings, bringing up difficult topics, teamwork or how to be firm yet kind, are typically less central in the curriculum. At UWC RCN we have given priority to [...]
Youth and Leadership Day
On Monday we had a Youth and Leadership day at RCN, designed, led and managed by the students themselves. It was attended by the first years of RCN with the aim to introduce them into a culture of participation and awareness of the role of leaders and their place within a team. There were 8 workshops both of a practical and informative kind. We looked at the concept [...]
Climate Eyewitness Workshop at RCN
UWC Red Cross Nordic, the Norwegian Glacier Museum and 4H successfully applied to "den Naturlige Skolesekken" for a climate education pilot project. The first programme in the pilot project was a Climate Eyewitness Workshop at RCN. The workshop was organized by six of our students, coming from five different continents and was delivered for a class from Firda Vidaregåande Skule in Sandane. The workshop aimed to give [...]