HM King Harald, HM Queen Sonja, Yi Wang, Vice Chair of the Board and Pelham Lindfield Roberts in UWC Changshu China

On behalf of the Board, I am glad to announce that Pelham Lindfield Roberts has been appointed Rector of UWC Red Cross Nordic. Hege Myhre resigned some months ago, and due to the urgency of the process, Pelham Lindfield Roberts is employed for one year. Pelham Lindfield Roberts has extensive experience as a teacher and head of boarding schools. He also has a deep knowledge of the IB Diploma Programme and the UWC-movement. Amongst other schools he was Head of College UWC Mahindra College for 7 years, and later Head of College UWC Changshu in China.

The Board is extremely grateful and look forward to having such a capacity in leading the school. Pelham Lindfield Roberts will use his experience and leadership to further develop UWC Red Cross Nordic, building on the work from his predecessor Hege Myhre. We thank Hege for her good work and efforts.

Pelham Lindfield Roberts will start on the 1st of August and will come together with his wife Ulrike Lindfield Roberts. She previously has long experience in working in boarding communities and with teaching. Ulrike will also be a great resource to the community.

On behalf of the Board,

Elizabeth Sellevold

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