Elizabeth Sellevold
Photo by Thomas Brun Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red Cross Nordic to develop: Since [...]
UWCRCN Graduation 2022
Congratulations to our Class 2022! Our Class of 2022 graduated on the 20th May. It was a great pleasure to welcome so many families, host families from our local community and other guests [...]
Magnea Gna Johannsdottir (RCN ’17)
Magnea Gna Johannsdottir (RCN '17) is the youngest person ever elected to the Reykjavik city council. Her political party Framsókn (English: Progressive Party) gained 18,7% of the votes, making it the third-largest party [...]
New Board of RCN
As part of the annual council meeting on Campus at the end of April every year, the members of the council elect the UWC RCN Board. Our Board Chair Geir Jorgen Bekkervold has [...]
Year Representatives of the graduating class
Meaningful alumni engagement and relations at UWCRCN have been a focal point. Alumni are an integral part of UWC’s mission as they are our peacebuilders and creators of a sustainable future globally. Our [...]
Council meeting spring 2022
UWC Red Cross Nordic is governed by a Board and a Council in accordance with the statutes of the Red Cross Nordic United World College Foundation. Over the weekend 22.04-24.04 we could finally [...]