Visit and talk by Leif Høegh
Leif Høegh, Chairman of Høegh Capital Partners, kindly visited RCN on Thursday 15th March to deliver a presentation on the sustainability paradox in Norway: wealth brought by oil, mineral extraction, shipping and fish farming on [...]
Friluftsveka – Free air week
For five days this March all first years got to experience the cold, sunny, challenging, amusing and freeing feeling of being deep in Norwegian nature - all this while trying to balance on skis! The [...]
Thinking about plastic
RCN students Patricia (Åland), Tenzin (Tibet), Jack (UK), Sunniva (Norway), Mirandas (China), Celia (Sweden), Sara (Italy), Sadrac (Costa Rica), Abdullah (Palestine) were recently invited by 'In the Same Boat' - a group who are doing research [...]
Safety Net Listeners
A new and exciting programme is taking shape as part of our pastoral care development. The first steps to implement it have been made during the end of the Project Based Learning week in February. [...]
Model United Nations 2018
Between the 22th-24th February, RCN MUN 2018 temporarily transformed Flekke into a centre of debate, diplomacy and dialectic. The Secretariat for this year’s conference comprised of four members: Kalyani (India) as Secretary General, Raavi (USA) [...]
Teachers visiting LAMS in Pakistan
At the end of February teachers Avis Rolfe and Liusaidh Brown with DP Coordinator Pete Wilson travelled to LAMS School in Sultan Town, Faisalabad in Pakistan. This was a follow-up visit after Pete’s first trip [...]