Nordic National Committees
It has been a pleasure to host the Nordic National Committees (representatives from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with a special guest from the Latvian NC) on campus for their Annual General Meeting this weekend. [...]
Sandefjord and Nesbru MUN 2017
It was a great honour to be a part of the 13th annual SANMUN (Sandefjord and Nesbru Model United Nations) conference held near Oslo on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of November. SANMUN is one [...]
Ezequiel Jimenez (’07 – ’09)
Where to start? The fjord. Fiskekake. The boathouse. The K building. World Today. Mariano. Kåre S. Pete. Daniel. MT. Winter. Tea. Being cold. The 3km trip to Flekke shop. The room temperature. The fifth umbrella [...]
Antonin Besse – A UWC Founder
UWC Red Cross Nordic would like to express its sadness at the news that Antonin Besse, patron and honorary vice-president of UWC, has passed away and to extend our thanks to his family for his deep [...]
Disaster Preparedness
As part of our College's partnership with the Norwegian Red Cross, we host different types of workshops, lectures and activities led or supervised by the Norwegian Red Cross in order to introduce Red Cross values [...]
A special week in Aurland
Sogn Jord-og Hagebruksskule and UWC RCN have had a long and fruitful cooperation. We've had joint staff meetings, their organic food in the RCN cantina and a student exchange programme. This autumn three of our students [...]