UWC International Board Meeting

2018-10-16T09:32:45+01:00February 27th, 2016|

The International Board in sessionIt is very exciting that UWC Red Cross Nordic is this week hosting its own Board for a quarterly meeting as well as the UWC International Board and other guests (including representatives of other schools and colleges who are seeking approval for UWC membership – and the respective Task Forces charged with the role of evaluating these applications). Part of the challenge was to come and visit our College in mid-winter and we are delighted to receive visitors here on campus from all across the world – from Mexico to Hong Kong, from Brazil to India – representing different key stakeholders in the UWC movement – from the International Office to national committees, from sister colleges and schools to alumni and other supporters of UWC. We have designed the programme surrounding this International Board Meeting so that it provides our guests with opportunities – through presentations by students, lesson observations, guided tours and other events and adventures – to connect with the students and staff of our College and the spirit of the place.

The opening session took place in the auditorium – with an opening address by Larry, a slideshow of the academic year set to music, and an introduction to the members of the International Board (followed by a Q & A session).

We here at RCN are hugely appreciative of the continued support of our College from members of the International Board and our other guests on campus.

Click here for an album of photographs, and here, for Larry’s welcoming address.

Group 4 Science Project Day

2018-10-16T09:32:46+01:00February 27th, 2016|

In most science classes students work alone or in pairs; the purpose of the Group 4 project is to introduce students to the idea that science is a group activity performed by teams and that do not always comprise of just physicists, biologists or chemists but a mixture of scientists from different disciplines plus mathematicians, economists even musicians and artists. In IB speak the aim is to:

  • “encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method”,
  • “develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the study of
  • “raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using
    science and technology”

The following is a reflection about the day written by student Sara-Estelle Gößwein.

Group 4 Day – An experience of applied science

In my old school we maybe did three experiments during all the years I had sciences as a subject.  Not so at UWC! We spent an entire day just developing ideas and experimenting in order to gain practical knowledge. Pure ‘learning by doing’.

Visiting a local hydroelectric plant

Visiting a local hydroelectric plant

The ‘Group-4 day’ requires students to spend ten hours on a scientific project.  Norway uses its nature in a considerate and careful way in order to produce some of the energy needed for its population. So a day had been planned by the physics department, which would allow us to create a model of a hydroelectric power plant. In teams of four we started to discuss ideas, share previous knowledge, ask questions and meet challenges. Some of our doubts or empty spaces were soon filled by useful and precise information we received during a visit of an actual hydro-electric power-plant, which one of its three owners kindly showed and explained to us. At first we were surprised that a power plant can be disguised in such a cozy (hyggelig) looking house!

Later, not only the students, but also our supervisors were then electrified by how efficient most of our models turned out to be. After visiting the power-plant, building the models and taking data from the river near by, we calculated actual values for our models and evaluated that due to various reasons a hydroelectric power-plant would unfortunately not be feasible at RCN.

Although we will not change our models into real power-plants I am happy to conclude that I found the ‘Group 4 day’ very interesting; I enjoyed working in my group and found myself becoming even more curious about the topic itself.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Norwegian Red Cross Partnership

2018-10-16T09:32:46+01:00February 26th, 2016|

It is with great pleasure that today we announce a partnership between the Norwegian Red Cross and UWC Red Cross Nordic. RCN has been invited to be an integral part of the local Red Cross Førstehjelpsgruppa / First Response Team. This means that our trained Red Cross second year first aiders and the Coordinator / other staff will be part of the local emergency services available in term time to serve the local community in a possible time of a need. The RCN team will operate in a supportive capacity to the SoF Red Cross coordinating team

This is very much in the tradition of Kurt Hahn, the founder of the UWC movement. Atlantic College established first class rescue services over fifty years ago life (including Inshore Life Boats, coast and life guards).

It is a real privilege that our College and our students shall be able to serve our local community in this way and it serves as a core component of our developing partnership with the Red Cross.

Samarbeidet mellom Norges Røde Kors og UWC Røde Kors Nordisk

Det er med glede eg kan meddele at UWC har vorte invitert som ein integrert del av den lokale Røde Kors Førstehjelpsgruppa. Dette betyr at andreklassingane og UWC-tilsette i vår røde korsgruppe er del av den lokale utrykningsgruppa. UWC-gruppa vil støtte Sogn og Fjordane Røde Kors.

Dette er heilt i tråd med tradisjonane til Kurt Hahn, grunnleggaren av UWC røyrsla. Atlantic College (Wales) grunnla ei fram i frå redningsteneste for over femti år sidan (inkludert livbåt for kystnære områder, kystvakt og badevakt).

Det er eit privilegium at skulen og studentane kan vere ein del av den lokale hjelpegruppa. Det samsvarar med den grunnleggande intensjonen i samarbeidet med Røde Kors.

Richard D A Lamont

Masfjorden Chess Tournament

2018-10-16T09:32:47+01:00February 23rd, 2016|

Eventual winner Philip Sumner deep in thought ... a strategy emerging?

Eventual winner Philip Sumner deep in thought … a strategy emerging?

A party of fourteen from RCNUWC – students and a member of staff – played in the Masfjorden Grand Prix Chess Tournament over three days February 19-21. Six rounds were played in a Swiss system with a Buchholtz tie breaker. Six of us finished in the top eleven places and received prizes. They were Alex Silva Garcés (Ecuador), Edson Cadenillas Ñaccha (Peru), Jacob Yath Deng Dau (South Sudan), Kip Sumner (Canada), Philip Sumner (China/Canada) and Redi Cane (Albania). Philip was the outright winner, with six wins out of six games, beating Monica Lauvik Fjelstad in the crucial final game on Sunday afternoon! Results can be inspected on the website, here.

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