Go Make A Difference
GoMakeADifference was created by Colin Habgood and his wife Jill Longson (AC ’81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC Atlantic College students. The concept allowed UWC Atlantic College students an opportunity to make a difference and put into practice the ideals of UWC. In 2016, the award was rolled out to all UWC Schools and Colleges, with 20 grants of £1000 each being made available to help students make a difference.
We have two awards this year: Peace (Nigeria ’16-’18) and Novilhelha (Malawi ’16-’18).
The project ‘Keeping Our Future Generation Safe’, planned for Makurdi Town in Nigeria, is led by Peace. The aim of this project is to help a mission school renovate the section set aside for taking care of children aged 0-3 years. The section has been left in a dilapidated state for a while now and many children stopped schooling.
The project ‘Better Environment for Better Education’, planned for Malawi in South East Africa, is led by Novilhelha. This Project focuses on providing better learning conditions for students in Ntenjela primary school. Currently, the school has very old classrooms which have cracks on the floors and walls.This project will involve renovating classrooms.
Our thanks go to Colin, Jill and GoMAD for making this possible.