About Lasse Markus

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So far Lasse Markus has created 47 blog entries.

Ingebjørg Flyum Bjørlo (RCN ’17-’19)

2020-04-03T09:15:23+01:00April 5th, 2020|

I graduated less than a year ago and I’ve already managed to get so many experiences in that time. In August I moved to a studio apartment in Oslo and start a bachelor in screenwriting and playwriting and quickly got a part time job at a concert venue. It was election-season in Norway, so on my spare time I visited schools and campaigned for my political party. I was also on my party’s list of candidates in my small hometown located in the western part of Norway, but I never expected to get into the city council. However, I did and it’s great. I’m learning so much and it is nice to have an excuse to go home and visit friends and family.

My plan was always to study law. I’ve been interested in politics all my life and most of the politicians around me studied law or something similar, like international relations, economics or maybe even psychology. Therefore, I assumed that was what I should do as well. However, if I then had to use my spare time doing politics, what would happen to all my other interest, like theatre and music. I’ve always had a huge interest in this, but I never considered making a career out of it or even study it until my last years of secondary education when I realized I actually hate doing homework and would rather spend my time playing music and doing theatre. I’ve also never really been much of an actor, so I knew I didn’t want to go to acting school. Therefore, I applied to a bachelor’s degree in screenwriting and playwriting and spent more time on the application than studying for my exams and it all worked out great.

One of my concerns was that I wouldn’t be taken seriously among my co-politicians because I would just have a fine arts degree. I can’t disprove this concern entirely yet because I’ve been doing this for less than a year, but my impression is that for non-politicians, I’m much more relatable because I can use a language they understand and I have the ability the imagine everyone’s point of view because I’m in theory is studying people, places and interactions which is a huge advantage, or at least I think it would be, let’s see what the future brings, weather I have a career in arts, politics or changes my mind and end up doing something completely different.

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Students chosen for young researcher finalists

2020-05-06T08:37:44+01:00April 2nd, 2020|

Three of our students have been selected for the national finals for young researhers. In total there are 22 finalists for videregående level and our students Kristina Flaatten, Otto Geissler and Sid Layesa are amongst them. Congratulations! This is a great encouragement for inquiring minds in these times.

More about the academy for young researchers.

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Response to COVID19

2020-05-15T12:49:42+01:00March 27th, 2020|


Ms Jo Loiterton
Acting Rektor

These turbulent times are stressful for everyone, but also provide the space and opportunity to be the best versions of ourselves together. At Red Cross Nordic we are proud of our culture – one that supports students to explore and define themselves on their own terms, in a safe and supportive community. Over these past few difficult weeks I believe we have all reaped the rewards of these personal journeys as we have come together as one strong, healthy and united community, choosing to take things, sensibly and supportively, one day at a time.

We are now spread to the four winds, yet we are still together. We have no re-opening date yet and, like everyone else in the world, we watch how this crisis unfolds globally so that we can try to make sense of it locally. 54 students remain on campus as we await changes in border, travel or quarantine restrictions so that they are able to go home. Everyone else is scattered around the globe doing their best to stay safe, well and connected. And connected we are – classes continue in both Year 1 and 2 – as we utilise technology to maintain the threads of learning and care, and of the uniqueness that is the UWC RCN experience. Thank you to our staff and students who have embraced so willingly this momentous and sudden change in how we remain united, and continue to learn and work and grow together.

There is no denying that this transition has asked us to mobilise to the full in a situation with many uncertainties and no ideal solutions. Self care becomes even more important in these days. For all of us, it is vital that we continue to seek balance – there is no denying that online learning has a different level of intensity that seems to create more work, over more time, with more things we need to attend to. We must continue to talk to each other, to give feedback and seek guidance in this demanding exploration so that we can find the best way forward for everyone.

Taking care of each and everyone has been the top priority for us in this process. A clear number two has been providing quality education, leading up to their formal IB Diploma as a qualification. It has been reassuring for all of us that the IB has declared that they will not carry out ordinary exams for any of their candidates this year. They have come a long way in defining how the IB Diploma will be awarded based on other criteria, with internal assessment from their college as a central component. Our teachers do an amazing job in supporting all students to the completion of this work. For the latest update from the IBO, please see here

During these past weeks we have strongly felt the outreach and care shown to us by our broader community. The communication and offers of support from our parents, alumni and national committees continues to strengthen us as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. Thank you. Your support matters, and we are better for it.

Best wishes,

Ms Jo Loiterton, Acting Rektor

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2020-03-27T15:10:36+01:00March 18th, 2020|


  • As far as we know, to date, no current UWC RCN student or staff member has been infected with the Covid-19 virus.
  • As for all other sectors, changes within education have been rapid over the last weeks in many parts of the world, including the Nordic region. Given this development, we have little reason to think there will be ordinary exams in IB schools  this May.
  • Our prime concern continues to be the safety and well being of our students.

We have now reached a situation where we have to think long term about this.

Like everyone else, we rely on uncertain scenarios when it comes to predicting societal developments in the time to come. But recent developments have strengthened the likelihood that we will deal with a situation of restricted movement of people over many months.

  • With regard to our overall capacity to support students on campus over time, we are now asking all students who know they can travel home, to do so.

We continue to help all our students with travel support.

  • The most recent advice from Norwegian Health authorities on travel is:

People who are in quarantine, but who are symptom-free, may now leave Norway on condition that sound infection control measures are practiced during transport from the place of quarantine to the place of departure. For full info in English:

  • We ask students from Norway, Sweden and Denmark who are still on campus to plan for immediate travel home.  
  • We will hold a short graduation style ceremony with students on Thursday morning
  • We keep regular contact with our local health authorities. Like our recent major decisions, this one is made following consultation with them.
  • We will keep up the academic program, with increased emphasis on online support
  • .All our students are asked to contact their parents directly to share these recent updates and to hear if there are particular concerns from them.
  • Any student or parent who feels uncertain about the viability of travelling home, will be taken care of by the College.

Parents can still contact the Rektor’s assistant directly on Hildegunn.Arstein@uwcrcn.no

180320 Jo Loiterton, Rektor

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