Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00


28th August, 2017 These are the current donations we have received. Graduation Year Number of donors (NOK) Current Total (NOK) Largest amount (NOK) 1997  15  18,100  3,000 1998  14  16,300  3,000 1999  5  9,700  7,500 2000  8  7,450  2,000 2001  21  15,522  4,510 2002  20  18,665  3,165 2003  3  1,100  600 2004  1  250 [...]

By |June 22nd, 2017|News|0 Comments

Ladiba Said Nafe (’16 – ’19)

Ladiba Said is a UWCRCN student from Western Sahara who has joined the Foundation Programme, which will enable her to study at the College for three years. She grew up living in a refugee camp for Saharawis in the Algerian desert, where she always dreamt of a better education. She studied very hard at school [...]

By |June 20th, 2017|People of RCN|0 Comments

Angie and Edmund (’01 – ’17)

Here I am in an airport waiting for another plane to catch and my thoughts turn to my decision to grant Angie and Edmund a two year leave of absence from RCN. As I look into the kaleidoscope of working together with these two, lots of images flash across my eyes: Edmund emitting his unparalleled [...]

By |June 14th, 2017|People of RCN|0 Comments

RCN Photographic Competition

On 21st September 2017 (UWC Day), HM Queen Sonja, our patron, is coming to visit our campus. We are designing a programme, in tandem with our partners in education in Sogn og Fjordane, on the theme of ‘inclusion’. As part of our anniversary celebrations, we are planning a photographic competition in Naustet open to current [...]

By |June 13th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Vidar Jensen & Arne Ophaug (’95 – ’17)

This summer sees the retirement of Arne Ophaug (Head of Services) and Vidar Jensen (Head of Maintenance) at UWC Red Cross Nordic. Both have served the College for 22 years since it was opened back in 1995 – with Vidar in fact working at Haugland for the past 30 years, from the times before the [...]

By |June 9th, 2017|People of RCN|0 Comments

Reidun Bergstrøm (’95 – ’17)

I first met Reidun in April 2007 during the art exhibition in the Høegh. Her energy, creative influence and her firm yet gentle handling of the students made an immediate impact. Fast forward to August 2008 . I was a member of Reidun’s advisor team as Finland house mentor. As the Senior House Mentor, Reidun [...]

By |June 7th, 2017|People of RCN|0 Comments
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