Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

May Day Hike

On May 1st, as part of international May Day celebrations, classes were suspended and first year students, a smattering of second years who made time away from their exam revision, and members of the teaching and outdoor staff hiked up to the top of Jarstadheia - the mountain behind the College. For many it was [...]

By |May 2nd, 2015|News|0 Comments

Proscientia Prize 2015

Congratulations to the six of our students who were shortlisted and won prizes in this year’s Proscientia Prize - Prisvinnere i Konkurransen Unge Forskere 2015. Jana (Czech Republic), Era (Albania), Fouad (Morocco), Grete (Estonia) Elisa (Åland) and Bianca (Romania) were invited to the final in Olso and asked to present their IB Extended Essays. Their [...]

By |April 24th, 2015|News|0 Comments

A21 Campaign

27 million – that’s the number of people anticipated to be in bondage as slaves in the world today. A21 is an organisation committed to abolishing injustice in the 21st century, through raising awareness of the issue of human trafficking, and finding protection for those who are made a victim of it. On Saturday 18th April, the [...]

By |April 23rd, 2015|News|0 Comments
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