We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

På Flukt (‘On the Run’)

June 6th, 2016|

Waking up This weekend, the College in tandem with the Norwegian Red Cross ran the annual På Flukt (‘On the Run’) simulation for first year students. There had been much preparation in the [...]

  • On the boat to Svanøy

A Day on the Island of Svanøy

May 25th, 2016|

We set off at 0730hrs, wet, cold, windy. A joy to be on a boat! For the hour journey most stayed below deck ... fast asleep. When we arrived we quickly huddled under the nearest [...]

  • Changes ahead

Meeting Place for Diversity

May 24th, 2016|

The present and coming generations will have to tackle serious issues when it comes to climate changes and people being forced to leave their homes. One generation of our students has just graduated, and many [...]