We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • Queen Sonja - on the occasion of her last visit to the College (Photo by Arne Stubhaug)

Renewal of Patronage

December 25th, 2015|

It is with pleasure we have received the news from the Royal Palace that Her Majesty Queen Sonja will continue to be the patron of UWC Red Cross Nordic. This renewal is for the next [...]

Fjaler Prize for 2015

December 15th, 2015|

On Monday 14th December, The Fjaler Prize for 2015 was awarded to UWC Red Cross Nordic in Kommune Huset in Dale. This is the first time UWC RCN has received this award as an institution. [...]

Nobel Peace Prize 2015

December 15th, 2015|

For twenty years our college has attend the world`s most prestigious award ceremony in Oslo City Hall on the 10th of December. Unfortunately for the selected RCN ambassadors this year (Narender (India), Anna (Finland), Karma [...]