Maintenance – Good News!

2018-10-19T06:33:15+01:00October 10th, 2018|

In the new Norwegian State Budget, for the second year running, we have been provided with an extra 3 million NOK to meet some of our needs for extraordinary maintenance for the coming 5 years.

Complementary to this, our Campus Renovation Campaign for other friends and supporters of our College, has been up for a most encouraging start.

Join in with the team – lay the foundations for coming generations of students at UWC RCN.

Campus Renovation 2018

2018-10-16T09:31:13+01:00October 2nd, 2018|

More than 20 years of wear and tear has taken its toll on the student houses, and we are now planning to refurbish them all.

The Norwegian state has provided funding for some of the costs, but they also expect that we will cover some of the costs with help from other stakeholders.

We are excited to announce that for any donation you give, we will receive a matching amount from the Davis-UWC Impact Challenge towards scholarships for students.

If you would like to donate using Vipps or Paypal, click here.

Download the pdf,  to get a detailed overview of the need and costs.

Please make a contribution for the well being of the future generations of our students.


Ashoka Changemakers

2018-10-24T09:54:49+01:00September 29th, 2018|

Ashoka Changemakers is a global organizations that builds and cultivates a community of change leaders. Members collaborate to transform institutions and cultures worldwide for the good of society. UWC RCN was selected last year as an Ashoka Changemaker School, and 19-20 September students Liva, Sara, Jordanella and Sona accompanied by Judit Dudas, Sustainability Team Leader, participated in the yearly seminar of Norwegian Changemaker Schools in Drammen. At the two-day seminar they met with students and educators from Nordahl Grieg High School and Drammen Young Invest to work on their common vision about the future of education. On the second day the schools had the opportunity to present and discuss their visions with entrepreneurs investing in education and Ashoka Fellows.

Changing our surroundings starts with change from within. People that in some ways are connected with the education system in Scandinavia were invited to take part in the discussion about how to improve our education. Participants got to practice empathy, leadership, creativity, teamwork and thoughtfulness, which Ashoka calls the changemaker skills. In the groupwork participants had to complete a task working together and listening to each other’s aspirations to identify strengths and explore the common goals. Central in the work was the Appreciative Inquiry (Al) business process, with components like Definition, Dream, Design and Realization. Two inspiring and motivating days with thought provoking discussions with a diverse group of like-minded people in the network.

Introducing the Glocal Challenge

2018-10-16T09:31:14+01:00September 25th, 2018|

Fifteen of our students and educators have started a journey of change, with the help of Karen O`Brien and her team at cCHANGE. To start of it all, Karen gave our yearly Environmental Thor Heyerdahl Lecture about climate change: “You matter more than you think!”

The Flekke GLOCAL CHALLENGE is an effective and fun way aimed at creating transformation towards sustainability in a 30-day programme. The participants are encouraged to experiment with one sustainability-related change for 30-days. During that time, they receive information and insights into change. They reflect on and share their experience, with encouragement to question their own habits, beliefs and assumptions with questions like “why?”, “how?”, “what if?” These shared stories will be examples of how you can create change. The focus is GLOCAL? Small personal, local actions can contribute to global impacts.

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