Flekke Glocal Challenge
UWC Red Cross Nordic in collaboration with cCHANGE and Sogn og Fjordane Fylkeskommune is pleased to invite teachers and students from Sogn og Fjordane to challenge themselves together to learn about our personal responsibility when it comes to climate change and how our local decisions have global impacts.
The project, Flekke GLOCAL CHALLENGE, will comprise two workshops and a 30-day online challenge for 30 people supported and led by University of Oslo Professor, Karen O’Brien, and her team at cCHANGE. Read more about the project in the attached invitation.
This project is also the first step in developing a teacher’s training programme in Sogn og Fjordane that aims to help teachers incorporate global climate issues into their subject curriculums. One of our goals is to hear teachers’ and students’ opinions on how the sustainability aspect of the new læreplan can be incorporated in their classes and where they need additional help.