World Religion Week 2022
Between the 7th and the 13th of November, we continued with what has [...]
Asta Nuka Fruelund Gabriel (RCN’24)
We are always proud to see our alumni living the UWC mission after leaving [...]
Message from the Rektor, December 2022
Dear RCN Community, RCN captures you! So it was an easy decision to accept [...]
Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony 2022
The world turns its attention every year to the Nobel Peace Prize in [...]
Valeriia Ivanova (RCN’23)
Meet Valeriia Ivanova, our first year student from Ukraine: I live in Irpin, [...]
Thank you to Sparebanken Vest!
We are so grateful that Sparebanken Vest, through Ildsjelfondet, continues to support our [...]