In Memory of Ulysses (Nkosingizwele) Zwane (UWCRCN 2002)
We were shocked to receive the following information from Mzwandile Ginindza (RCN 2003 graduate, Ulysses' first year): It is with our deepest sorrow that we mourn the passing of our beloved Ulysses (Nkosingizwele) [...]
RCN Students get ChangeMaker Funds
Congratulations to our RCN students Laura, Ylva, Diva and Meg whose ChangeMaker video-pitch about Quality Education was so good that they project got funded! Now the real work starts as they have to [...]
Angelika Love (RCN ’09-’11)
Escaping the Echo-Chamber During Lockdown: About her road to starting a Podcast on Social Integration I consider myself lucky to have experienced very little loneliness in my life. I have felt alone at times, [...]
Education Minister, RCN Graduate and Role Model Father
David Sengeh (RCN '04-'06) is today today Sierra Leone's Education Minister and we are proud to see him living the UWC mission in his personal and professional life. BBC News describes him as “a [...]
RCN: Official distribution point for coastal cleanup equipment
We are proud to announce that RCN is now an official distribution point for coastal cleanup equipment: Local families and groups can get small and big bags and working gloves in different sizes [...]
In Memory of Amirkhan Batalov (RCN 2005-2007)
It is with shock and great sadness we got to learn from Amirkhan’s friends of his recent passing. Amirkhan graduated from UWC Red Cross Nordic in May 2007, and studied at Westminster College, [...]