Outdoor Leadership
The Outdoor Leaders in training went on their 5th trip over the weekend of 30th March. It was spring skiing: an overnight trip with the aim to ski in steeper terrain with more complex [...]
Dignity and Dignitaries
This, year's annual Mandela Lecture was given by Evelin Lindner in our auditorium March 29th, on the theme - From Humiliation to Dignity: for a Future of Solidarity. Equality in dignity was a [...]
RCN – ‘Young Researchers’
The organisation Unge Forskere ("Young Researchers") run an annual competition throughout Norway, inviting applicants attending upper secondary school to submit their research projects. The IB Extended Essay format lends itself appropriately to research [...]
Education Makes Visible
Something unique about the UWC as an educational movement, is the cooperation between the Colleges and the National Committees NC. We are fortunate to have strong NCs in all Nordic countries and work [...]
Nordic Global Concern
Every term we have a special day with no normal classes, where we focus on one of our pillars: Nordic, Humanitarian and Environmental. On Friday 15th March it was time for the Nordic [...]
Never to forget again!
On Tuesday evening there was a rare opportunity for students to learn about the whole process of human birthing from an experienced midwife, lecturer, former staff member. Hilary Hamper came to RCN as our [...]