Are you our new Rektor?
UWC is a global education movement uniting people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. UWC Red Cross Nordic, established in 1995, is situated in Flekke, Fjaler Muncipality 150km north of Bergen on the [...]
Book Launch & Exhibition in Oslo
On the 1st November 2017, Orfeus Publishing launches ‘Slottet - Familien - Kunsten’ (‘The Palace - The Family - The Art) - a biography of Marianne Andresen, written by Nanna Segelcke. Marianne has been one of UWC Red [...]
Sven Mollekleiv
At the Norwegian Red Cross' Landsmøtet (annual general assembly) in October 2017, Sven Mollekleiv, former Secretary General (1991-2001) and outgoing President of the Norwegian Red Cross (2008-2017), was appointed as Honorary President of the Norwegian [...]
Question: What is Peace?
Early on Sunday 8th October, a group of 9 RCNers headed to the remote island of Gåsvær, Solund, in quest of peace. The aim was to thoroughly disconnect from the outside world (no mobiles or [...]
Every Child a Possibility
From Friday to Sunday our College joined in with the national campaign to support the work of UNICEF, through TV Aksjonen. On Friday we had a special day focused on education and the work of [...]
Stop Human Trafficking PBL
Stop Human Trafficking Project Week was dedicated to active Human Rights campaigning. We started by studying cases of Human Rights violations in the countries of the participants: Ecuador, Bangladesh, Georgia, Western Sahara, Italy, Mexico, Japan, [...]