Frivannsliv Project Based Learning
Fri-vanns-liv means something like, 'living free in open water' - in other words diving in the sea by holding breath (apnea). For this project there were seven of us - six students: Chisato, Pei-Yu, Fabiana, [...]
Tutti Fratelli! Tutti Sorelle!
UWC Red Cross Nordic was invited to send two representatives - Larry Lamont as Rektor and Arne Osland as Director of Development - to the Norwegian Red Cross' Landsmøtet (annual general assembly) 2017 in Haugesund [...]
Nobel Peace Prize 2017
The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced at 1100 on Friday 6th October 2017 that it has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). The organization [...]
Changemaker Schools
Ashoka Scandinavia is proud to announce the selection of three Norwegian schools to be part of Ashoka’s global network of innovative schools. Nordahl Grieg Videregående Skole, Ung Invest Arbeidsinstituttet Buskerud and UWC Red Cross Nordic [...]
Climate Voices in Sogn Folkmuseum
Forsikningsdagane (Research Days) is an event organised nationwide in Norway. This year Vestlandforsikning, the research institute of West Norway, organised an international climate change workshop for youth called ‘Climate Voices in Sogn Folkmuseum’ on Friday [...]
Nansen Refugee Award Winner
The 2017 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award winner has been announced as Mr. Zannah Mustapha, a lawyer, school-founder and peace-maker from north east Nigeria. He is being honoured for his dedication and commitment to ensuring children [...]