Youth Teamwork & Leadership
This week the first year students of RCN have started their Leirskule training week, an opportunity for our students to develop a skill set leading and guiding Norwegian school children in outdoor adventures. Leirskule is [...]
Training for Leirskule
The training for the students' Leirskule service has begun. First year students are taking over from the second year students and are, during an intensive week, learning the necessary skills in different activities to be able [...]
RCN at Ridderrennet
Ridderrennet is a huge winter sports event for people with various disabilities that takes place at Beitostølen every year. A group of twelve RCN students went together with Hilde, a teacher from the College, and Guro, [...]
Loredana Stroe
Here at Red Cross Nordic we are always keen to support young professionals embarking on teaching careers. Our students, with their energy and enthusiasm provide a perfect practice ground to reflect on the mission of teaching. [...]
UWC Costa Rica Anniversary
On Friday 31st March, our sister college UWC Costa Rica celebrated its 10th anniversary and its journey from a school within SOS Children's Villages to a UWC College. The College over the years has had [...]
Global Concerns – The Nordic Region
Nordic Art and Drawing After musical performances and an introduction to the day's events from teacher Lisa Jokivirta, the day's keynote speaker spoke to a full auditorium. Lars Magne Andreassen is Director of Lule Sami Institute [...]