Alumni at Case Western
As well as our biennial reunions on campus, we have also organised reunions for alumni and other supporters in London, Helsinki, Malmö, Reykjavik, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Oslo, Stockholm, in recent years and are planning an [...]
Den Kulturelle Skulesekken
Thanks to Den kulturelle skulesekken, our first year students had the opportunity to connect with local students in Dale and to experience great music. The College brought more than a hundred students to listen to [...]
Neil Davis Friluftsliv PBL
We drove into the mountains looking for snow to build a snow cave. Our little international band of students, headed by a South African (who really can ski) scanned the landscape excitedly. The five of [...]
UWC International statement
UWC International statement about US Executive Order The following is the announcement from the UWC International Office about the US Executive Order. A petition, drafted by many alums from across the UWC movement, can [...]
Model United Nations 2017
Our Model United Nations has, since the early years of the College, been a significant event and an integral part of the UWC experience. On January 26th the event commenced with Arne Øi from the [...]
Mostak Rahman (’99 – ’01)
Losing my father whilst still a baby, living in poverty with a mentally ill teenage mother, life threw a curve at me at an early age. My grandmother could not afford two daily proper nutritious [...]