Group 4 Science Project Day
In most science classes students work alone or in pairs; the purpose of the Group 4 project is to introduce students to the idea that science is a group activity performed by teams and that do [...]
Norwegian Red Cross Partnership
It is with great pleasure that today we announce a partnership between the Norwegian Red Cross and UWC Red Cross Nordic. RCN has been invited to be an integral part of the local Red Cross Førstehjelpsgruppa [...]
Masfjorden Chess Tournament
Eventual winner Philip Sumner deep in thought ... a strategy emerging? A party of fourteen from RCNUWC - students and a member of staff - played in the Masfjorden Grand Prix Chess Tournament [...]
Mette Karlsvik (’95 -’97)
(When graduating from RCNUWC, I moved abroad to educate myself as an artist. Since, I have lived and worked in the European cities of art, like Berlin, Glasgow, Reykjavik. The most important place may have been [...]
Friluftsveka in Vangen
Friluftsveke - one of the ski groups Relaxation, freedom, time, friends, sports, fun, nature, challenges, reading, adventure, snow, sunshine, fresh air – those are some of the impressions from students trying to summarize the [...]
A Visitor from UWC Maastricht
It was a great pleasure to host Peter Howe (Principal of UWC Maastricht) here on campus over the past couple of days. Peter attended UWC Norge’s annual meeting in Oslo on Thursday at the invitation [...]