Global Concerns
Is RCN Ecologically Sustainable?
The theme of the autumn-term Global Concerns Day at RCN was “Is UWCRCN sustainable?”.
We welcomed some guests – both students and staff – from Aurland Jord og Hagebruksskule and from Fylke. The day started with a musical breakfast and plenary presentations from the guests and staff. That was followed by a variety of workshops; How sustainable RCN is at the moment in terms of energy, food and waste and what can be improved in both the short- and long-term. Some creative and futuristic solutions were presented and discussed. The guests lead three workshops on organic farming and composting. One group spent most of the day in the rain building a compost box.
- Making the compost bin
- Close to completion!
Many thanks to all who contributed so enthusiastically to the day, and especially to those who attended the day as guests and workshop leaders.