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So far Edmund Cluett has created 595 blog entries.

Nordic Global Concern

2019-03-27T10:11:30+01:00March 26th, 2019|

Every term we have a special day with no normal classes, where we focus on one of our pillars: Nordic, Humanitarian and Environmental. On Friday 15th March it was time for the Nordic Global Concern, an event by the students for the students. The workshop themes ranged from youth culture to migration and use of energy in the Nordic region. The event crowned a long process of preparation for the students responsible for the day.

Special thanks to our guest speakers: Geir Kjell Andersland, Pål Nesse (the Norwegian Refugee Council) and Genet Ashebir for shedding light on humanitarian issues in the Nordic region, in a way that has relevance to all.

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Never to forget again!

2019-03-21T09:07:20+01:00March 21st, 2019|

On Tuesday evening there was a rare opportunity for students to learn about the whole process of human birthing from an experienced midwife, lecturer, former staff member. Hilary Hamper came to RCN as our first nurse, a job she had for fourteen years. Before coming to Norwa,y she has been a midwife for many years. So it became a tradition, when the reproduction, pregnancy and , development are covered in Biology to invite Hilary for an evening plenary session. Without exception, it has been a jaw-dropping presentation absorbed by undivided attention (by some non-biology students, too) – especially Hilary’s iconic sock & doll birth demo. Some explicit videos were shown, too. One thing was sure – nobody was bored, and the questions were shooting incessantly for an hour and a half. Thank you Hilary, again, for an inspiring input on the process we all went through – and forgot about.

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Psycho-social first aid course

2019-03-20T11:07:34+01:00March 20th, 2019|

This weekend we held the Psycho-social first aid course for 20 interested students. The course is a part of our Red Cross Diploma and was led by Anita Nelissen Leirvåg. It went into depth about how people react in a crisis and emergency, as well as giving knowledge of how to deal with that person. The course also lets the students talk about their experiences with crisis and how people around them have reacted, and was followed by a discussion. They also practiced what it is like to have someone not interested in listening and then the difference when they are actively listening. One lesson was that you don’t need to be an expert to help people: by just being there and talking to someone, it can help them. Beyond this, it is important to know how you can obtain further help, if needed. The course is not only about to act in big crises but also about how to act and talk with people in your daily life.

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Go Make A Difference

2019-03-29T08:52:00+01:00March 13th, 2019|

GoMakeADifference was created by Colin Habgood and his wife Jill Longson (AC ’81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC students.

This year, we have three projects from UWC Red Cross Nordic that have received the award.

1. Nicolas and Aristide’s project is about installing biofil toilets in the school at Ghana, where the waste will go to the schools farm and serve as compost.

2. Sara and Liva’s project is about establishing an Innovation Center for Sakyikrom school and local youth to be able to make products from recycled materials, which to be sold locally and internationally.

3. Thando will do the project with Ngwazini Primary School at Eswatini, where she will be renovating a block in the school by fixing walls, floors, windows and the interior of the classroom, with the aim of encouraging the kids to continue coming to the school.

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