SDGs with Bergen Næringsråd
25 trainees from Bergens Næringsråd (Bergen Chamber of Business), had their training at UWC Red Cross Nordic during this weekend. The focus of the programme was the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme included an inspiring lecture of Bjørn K Haugland, Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer in DNV GL Group, on global sustainability from a business perspective, which also was open for the college community.
With the words of Einstein, Bjørn introduced the central idea that we have to find new ways of thinking and acting, “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” This talk was followed up with a joined practical workshop where the students and young professionals explored the opportunities in the SDGs. This led to reflection on the framework of sustainability and systems thinking in the business sector and how it can affect our lives. The participants were introduced to theories on alternative business models and being part of creating a new, more circular or natural approach in their professional life. A stimulating visit for all.
Click here to see a video made by our visitors from Bergen Næringsråd about their time at the College.