About Lasse Markus

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So far Lasse Markus has created 47 blog entries.

Helen Pörtner (RCN ’16-’18)

2021-05-03T09:56:48+01:00April 29th, 2021|

Bringing Climate Justice and Human Rights to the International Court of Justice

The connection between Human Rights and the Climate Crisis has become clearly visible for anyone who cares to see it. However, in international climate action treaties there is still a lack of language that emphasizes the immediate danger to Human Rights, especially in the Majority World. The global youth-led campaign “World’s Youth for Climate Justice” is attempting to change exactly that. We are working towards an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice that would ultimately set a norm for states to include such language in their treaties. Supporting the initiative put forth by the Pacific Island State of Vanuatu, we are youth from all over the world rallying for civil society support to convince as many state’s representatives at the UN to vote in favor of our effort. I was recently able to join the campaign that was initiated by a group of law students from the South Pacific.

I had been active in climate action before coming to RCN and through studying Human Rights as part of the IB curriculum was able to make a lot of new connections. I feel that now, four years later, many of the loose ends which I was exploring at RCN are coming together. My time at RCN paved the way for my focus on Climate Justice and made me constantly question my positionality as a white woman from the Minority World. After my time at RCN, stories of the impact the climate crisis is having on my friends’ communities are having a much bigger impact on me and motivate me to make use of my privilege. In my work with “World’s Youth for Climate Justice” I aim to follow the role of solidarity support and try to stay as much in the background as possible. My effort is to amplify the voices from youth of the Majority World through the networks that I have been able to establish as well as using my privilege to act as, for example, one of the treasurers of the campaign to open up possibilities for my friends in the campaign.

Our campaign is very idealistic and we are putting a lot of trust into international politics that have often disappointed us in the past. Still, we believe that pursuing change through international law is a powerful path and we are not being discouraged by slow bureaucratic processes and pessimism. Staying optimistic is hard sometimes but I am constantly encouraged by stories from my RCN friends who show up as active citizens and are making change wherever they go. Although everyone has moved on from RCN and is building their own little worlds elsewhere, still feeling part of this strong community empowers me to keep going and persist in working towards real and just climate action.

If you’d like to know more about “World’s Youth for Climate Justice” or would like to join our campaign, please reach out! We welcome all backgrounds and levels of engagement!

Check out our website: https://www.wy4cj.org/

Our facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WY4CJ

and instagram: @wy4cj

In People of UWCRCN you find stories of alumni or other members of our community. Here are the laterst.

Lea Komba RCN’24

June 17th, 2024|

Lea Komba is an RCN alumna of the class of 2024 from Angola. During her time at RCN, Lea was a very passionate changemaker; she loved public speaking and [...]

Wilhem Hector RCN’21

May 29th, 2024|

Meet Wilhem Hector, originally from Haiti, who embarked on a journey to UWC Red Cross Nordic. With little prior knowledge of Norway, he undertook a leap of faith, [...]

Jeanette Trang RCN’11

March 31st, 2023|

Meet Jeanette Trang, an exceptional alumna of Red Cross Nordic United World College, who has dedicated her life to protecting and advocating for the rights of children around the [...]

New Members of Our Board

2021-04-23T11:46:47+01:00April 23rd, 2021|

On April 17th, the Annual Council Meeting at UWC Red Cross Nordic confirmed Charlotte Nordstrøm, Hilde Sandvik and Logan Tatangmo Tikombouo as new members of our Board. We welcome them to join us. Thanks to Liv Ronglan, Astrid Søgnen and  Alejandro Quecedo del Val for their service for our College, as outgoing representatives.

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Graduation 2024

May 29th, 2024|

Dear Graduates, Your time at RCN has left a lasting mark on our community, weaving your unique stories into the very fabric of our school. Your classmates, roommates, friends, and teachers helped you become [...]

Lifting the Value of Exploration in School

2021-04-22T11:37:36+01:00March 30th, 2021|

Three of our students, Kamilla Engebretsen, Johan Reeh and Omar Ali Ahmed have been selected amongst the 20 national finalists finals for Young Researchers.  Each in their way they have used this occasion to explore a chosen issue in depth, approaching it with imagination and rigour.   The competition is an excellent occasion to lift the value of work like this, where the students often go into an area of deep personal interest while also acquiring skills of how to do this within an academic discipline. As an IB school our students are faced with many tasks that encourage in depth investigations. Both the extended essay and the guided coursework provide opportunities to learn skills associated with research by going into topics of personal interest. At UWC Red cross Nordic we emphasize both the process and the end result for these tasks. The UWC education model is based on the idea that together we form a deliberately diverse, engaged and motivated learning community who see education as a tool to unite people. This happens at the most basic level in daily life situations when our students share and learn about their personal and cultural differences. With small classes and close follow up with each student, we also strive towards enabling them to make their explorations in the subjects serve this function. Our three finalists have found ways to do this in an exemplary way.

The event can be followed online on April 23rd – via this link

These are the topics:

  • Kamilla Engebretsen –   A Study of Western Hegemony in Gender Politics.
  • Johan Reeh                 –   Angels and a Critical Dialog on Human Nature.
  • Omar Ali Ahmed        –   To what extent can a “medical-to-medical” transfer learning strategy improve the performance of a convolutional neural network for binary classification of COVID-19 CT scans?

Good luck in the final round!

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We are all interconnected – Visit by Minister Dag Inge Ulstein. 

2021-03-29T12:03:14+01:00March 26th, 2021|

The Minister of Development, Dag Inge Ulstein paid us a virtual visit today. He took part in the Geography class and followed up with a conversation with our students

Abdullah Murad Farea – Yemen, Tum Toek – Cambodia, Mabel Vo – USA and Princess Ottoo – Ghana. Minister Ulstein informed about the challenging work for providing an equitable distribution of Covid vaccines across the world, and answered questions from the class. One of the questions was about what drives Norwegian policy in this field. Mr Ulstein emphasised how we are all interconnected. If some parts of the world are still affected by the spread of virus, it is a danger to us all. Sometimes there can be a tension between self interest and the motive of helping others, but in this case there is clear common interest in securing vaccination for all – rich and poor.

Abdullah told about all the hardship he had to go through in order to get here from his war torn country Yemen. He enjoys all aspects of his stay here in Flekke, but still it is not easy to hear about the situation at home. Mabel and Tum told about their unplanned stay in Norway during the holidays. Needless to say they miss their families, but also have appreciated the opportunities provided for them by families who have opened up their homes. Rektor Hege Myhre emphasised how valuable it is for the students to engage in society – their voices will be listened to. – You are not the leaders of tomorrow, Mr Ulstein said – you are already taking a lead. We need to listen to your perspectives and hear your stories, like you listen to each other. For the College the visit shows that the Norwegian government sees the value of educating young persons with a global perspective – shaping a better future, shaping a better now.

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