Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

A Gift from the Ambassador

Hermann Ingólfsson, Ambassador of Iceland to Norway, visited RCN on UWC Day in 2016 and kindly offered to donate a leatherbound set of 'The Complete Sagas of the Icelanders'. In December at an event at the Nordic Association, Hermann passed on the gift to Arne Osland, our Director of Development, for transportation back to the [...]

By |March 18th, 2018|News|0 Comments

Visit and talk by Leif Høegh

Leif Høegh, Chairman of Høegh Capital Partners, kindly visited RCN on Thursday 15th March to deliver a presentation on the sustainability paradox in Norway: wealth brought by oil, mineral extraction, shipping and fish farming on the one hand and important changes required to ensure a sustainable future. He presented to a packed K2 with over [...]

By |March 16th, 2018|News|0 Comments

Friluftsveka – Free air week

For five days this March all first years got to experience the cold, sunny, challenging, amusing and freeing feeling of being deep in Norwegian nature - all this while trying to balance on skis! The students arrived at the cabin in Stryn, a 4-hour drive from the College. Some were highly optimistic, others were dreading [...]

By |March 15th, 2018|News|0 Comments

Thinking about plastic

RCN students Patricia (Åland), Tenzin (Tibet), Jack (UK), Sunniva (Norway), Mirandas (China), Celia (Sweden), Sara (Italy), Sadrac (Costa Rica), Abdullah (Palestine) were recently invited by 'In the Same Boat'  - a group who are doing research on microplastic in the ocean, and cleaning beaches - on a boat trip to learn more about the impact of [...]

By |March 15th, 2018|News|0 Comments
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