Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

Ridderdagene- Activities for All

Five students from the Knights EAC drove ten hours with Hilde to take part in Ridderdagene in the South-East part of Norway – and had a fantastic time there over the weekend of 18th to 21st August. Ridderdagene (The Days of the Knights) is a weekend where many volunteers do all they can to make summer [...]

By |August 24th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Pellegrino Riccardi – Seminars at RCN

On Monday, Pellegrino Riccardi was invited to the College on the recommendation of Hilde Genberg (RCN’s Survivors of Conflict Programme Coordinator and formerly the College coordinator of the Fredskorps Partnership) – Hilde had previously heard Pellegrino speak at the annual FK summer camp on inter-cultural understanding. We put together a programme for Pellegrino so that [...]

By |August 23rd, 2016|News|0 Comments

Dan Silfwerin – A Star is Born

On Sunday 21st August our very own Dan Silfwerin (Swedish and English teacher) was invited to perform in the finale of  ‘Mimi Goes Glamping’ at Åmot Operagard. The Bergen National Opera created a community opera based on the local Fjaler kommune story Murmartinstein i Fjella (Murmartinstein in the mountains). Bergen National Opera’s director Tom Guthrie [...]

By |August 21st, 2016|News|0 Comments

Staff Introduction Week at RCN

It has been Staff Introduction Week at RCN this week – this is an opportunity for staff to learn about the activities that have been happening on campus over the course of June and July, for Support and Education Staff to reconnect after the summer break, and for professional development / training and for preparation [...]

By |August 19th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Kasia Dybek (’07 – ’09)

I graduated from RCN eight years ago, but I feel it's been only in the last few years that I truly discovered what I experienced and realised how lucky I was, and still am, for those two years in Flekke. Some people have their plans set out even before attending UWC, knowing exactly what they want [...]

By |August 16th, 2016|People of RCN|0 Comments
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