Psycho-social first aid course
This weekend we held the Psycho-social first aid course for 20 interested students. The course is a part of our Red Cross Diploma and was led by Anita Nelissen Leirvåg. It went into depth about how people react in a crisis and emergency, as well as giving knowledge of how to deal with that person. The course also lets the students talk about their experiences [...]
Go Make A Difference
GoMakeADifference was created by Colin Habgood and his wife Jill Longson (AC ’81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC students. This year, we have three projects from UWC Red Cross Nordic that have received the award. 1. Nicolas and Aristide's project is about installing biofil toilets in the school at Ghana, where the waste will go to the schools farm and serve as compost. [...]
Friluftsveka 2019 in Stryn
In the last 9 days, all first year students got to experience the cold, sunny, challenging and fun feelings of being deep in the mountains – as part of our annual Friluftsveka (Outdoor Week). The students arrived at the cabins near Stryn, many not knowing what the next 4 days would bring. Some were worried that their inexperience on skis would slow down their friends. [...]
Neil Davis Friluftsliv
An eager, enthusiastic, intrepid (and somewhat unsuspecting) team assembled for this year's "Neil Davis Memorial Friluftsliv" snowcaving trip in Gaularfjell: after 3.5 hrs of sweaty excavating and shovelling in a soft drizzle, a superbly cosy cave emerged complete with sheltered entrance-cooking area. The cuisine included deeply-appreciated and relished porridge & raisins (Dutch & Italian members, rather bizarrely, adding chocolate powder), tomato soup-couscous & noodles and [...]
Parafootball and Deadline Day
For many years our students have had the pleasure of being involved with football activities in Fjalerhallen under the term "parafootball". This is made in co-operation with the culture section in Fjaler Municpality. Jon Magnus has been a mainstay in this activity over the years. Smiles, hard work and skills at display every week in the season. And the fans are anxious at deadline day for [...]
Award for Mark Chalkley
Our Senior University Counsellor, Mark Chalkley, has been chosen one of the nine 2019 Counselors That Change Lives, the only international counsellor to receive the award this year - and we think the first UWC counsellor! This honour is given in recognition of Mark's dedication to the college counselling profession and for promoting and supporting a student-centred college search process. From their website: “Dare to Fail.” The [...]