Nelson Mandela International Day
Today (18th July 2018) is Nelson Mandela International Day across the world, celebrated each year on his birthday. Our students celebrate 'Mandela 67' (in honour of his 67 years of commitment to social justice) when [...]
Fundraising Initiatives
In the past year we have had lots of exciting, new initiatives for fundraising for College programmes, from an art exhibition with proceeds of sales going to the RCN scholarship fund to a Garage sale [...]
Sumaya Said Salma (RCN ’15-’18)
When Sumaya arrived at UWC Red Cross Nordic in July 2015, she new little of what was awaiting her. She had very basic English, no IT knowledge, and she thought there would only be Norwegians [...]
Til Topps with the Red Cross
Again this year we were invited to join in with the Sogn og Fjordane Red Cross team that headed for the highest peak in Norway - Galdhøpiggen. This is a Red Cross event for everyone [...]
Kathini and Larry
A profile of Kathini and Larry, written as they prepare to set sail for Vancouver, can only be a tribute, one contributed to by colleagues and students who worked closely with them. They have both [...]
Farewell in the Presence of the Queen
Marianne Andresen hosted a farewell reception for Rektor Richard Lamont and his wife Kathini Cameron on Monday evening. This was an opportunity for the many close contacts Larry has made in Norway to say "au [...]