Bob Okello (’13-’15)
Alumnus Bob Okello has recently been featured on the University of Oklahoma website. He tells his story - from rural Uganda to the US, via Red Cross Nordic. Read the profile here. For profiles and news [...]
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ola Hovland to the position of Chief Operating Officer at UWC Red Cross Nordic. The Chief Operating Officer will report to, and be supported by, the Rektor [...]
Pawel Urbanski (’99 -’01)
Our alumni are a great resource for us. We are delighted to receive many visits from them and also stay in touch and hear how they, in various ways, live the mission. One of these is Pawel [...]
Tom Gresvig
The cover of the Order of Service On Friday 8th January, Tom Gresvig’s funeral was held at Uranienborg Kirke in Oslo and was followed by a reception at Bølgen & Moi. Her Majesty [...]
Renewal of Patronage
It is with pleasure we have received the news from the Royal Palace that Her Majesty Queen Sonja will continue to be the patron of UWC Red Cross Nordic. This renewal is for the next [...]
Fjaler Prize for 2015
On Monday 14th December, The Fjaler Prize for 2015 was awarded to UWC Red Cross Nordic in Kommune Huset in Dale. This is the first time UWC RCN has received this award as an institution. [...]